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unboxing jiophone review hindi

जाने कैसा है जियो फोन और सारे फीचर्स, अनबॉक्सिंग व् समीक्षा

Myntra [CPS] IN

महीनों की लंबी प्रतीक्षा के बाद, जियो ने उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए जियो फोन की डिलीवरी की शुरूआत की। ज्यादातर बुनियादी फोनों में 2000 रुपये की लागत में सिर्फ कॉलिंग, एफएम, म्यूज़िक प्लेबैक जैसे बुनियादी कार्य ही हो पाते है। भारत में बुनियादी फोन की भारी मांग है, अधिकांश आबादी ज्यादा मूल्य की वजह से स्मार्टफोन नहीं खरीद पाती है। (unboxing jiophone review hindi)

जियो ने लाइव टीवी, सिनेमा, संगीत और वीडियो कॉलिंग जैसे स्मार्टफोन की सुविधाओं को एक सस्ते मूल्य के बेसिक फोन में लाने पर विचार किया। जियो ने अपने नि: शुल्क और सस्ती 4 जी सेवाओं को लॉन्च करने के बाद नेटवर्क ऑपरेटर के बीच डेटा सेवाओं में  जंग छेड़ दी ।

जियो ब्रांडेड पैकेज में जियो सिनेमा, जियो टीवी, जियो म्यूजिक, जॉयो वीडियो चैट, जियो एक्सप्रेस और जियो पे जैसे विभिन्न जिओ सेवाएं शामिल है। जियो फोन पैकेज में 1 हेडसेट, 1 चार्जर, 1 पुस्तिका, 1 बैटरी, 1 सिम शामिल है|  यह जियो मीडिया केबल के बारे में भी उल्लेख करता है जो सीधे फोन से सामग्री का आनंद लेने के लिए किसी भी टीवी से जुड़ सकता है। लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से, यह केबल पैकेज के साथ नहीं आता और इसे अलग से खरीदना पड़ेगा।

unboxing jiophone review hindi

jio phone

Unboxing jiophone review hindi

यह भी पढ़ें: जिओ फोन पर निःशुल्क कॉलर ट्यून कैसे सेट करें

बैटरी और सिम को जीओ फोन पर डालने के बाद, हमने दाएं तरफ लाल बटन दबाकर फोन को ऑन  किया। स्वागत स्क्रीन पेश करने के लिए जियो फोन को लगभग एक मिनट लग जाता है। यदि आप चाहें तो आपको अपनी डिफ़ॉल्ट भाषा और वाईफ़ाई नेटवर्क चुनने का निर्देश मिलता है। एक हालिया फर्मवेयर और सॉफ़्टवेयर अपडेट करने का निर्देश मिलता है। फर्मवेयर और ओएस अपडेट्स को डाउनलोड और स्थापित करने के बाद जियो फोन उपयोग के लिए तैयार है।

जियो टीवी, एक्सप्रेस, सिनेमा, म्यूज़िक, गेम्स, माय जिओ, जिओ वीडियो चैट जैसी बेसिक जियो ऐप्स उपयोग के लिए हैं। जैसे आप Google स्टोर से एंड्रॉइड फोन पर करते हैं, वैसे ही अन्य ऐप्स भी जिओ ऐप इंस्टॉल करने के लिए उपलब्ध हैं।

Unboxing jiophone review hindi

जिओ फोन पर सभी ऐप और सेवाओं का उपयोग करने के बाद हम निम्नलिखित निष्कर्ष पर आए:

जियो फोन से जुडी अच्छी बाते :
1. रु। 1500 की कीमत पर विचार करते हुए, जियो फोन निश्चित रूप से पैसा वसूल है। 153 रूपए / मासिक की प्रारंभिक रिचार्ज योजना के साथ, यह असीमित कॉल, फ्री रोमिंग और 500 एमबी डाटा रोज़ाना प्रदान करता है। यह एक दूसरे फोन के रूप में भी रखा जा सकता है या हर समय स्मार्टफोन के साथ चिपके रहने की आदत से छुटकारा पा सकते  है।

2. आपके घर में बच्चों और वरिष्ठ लोगों के लिए एक उत्तम फोन है । चूंकि बच्चों को स्मार्टफोन ने शौकीन बनाना दिया है, हम उन्हें आवश्यक मूलभूत सुविधाएं प्रदान करके और अवांछित ऐप्स और गेम से प्रतिबंधित कर सकते हैं।

3. बटन और कीपैड का स्पर्श काफी सरल है और बड़े बटन किसी को भी आसानी से उनका उपयोग करने की अनुमति देते हैं, विशेष रूप से वरिष्ठ लोगों को जो टच स्क्रीन फोन के साथ सहज नहीं हैं।

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4. जीओ ऐप स्पष्ट रूप से एक बुनियादी फोन पर 4 जी डेटा का आनंद लेने के लिए एक बड़ा लाभ है, आप असीमित संगीत, वीडियो, फिल्में और लाइव टीवी का आनंद ले सकते हैं। स्पीकर संगीत की सामग्री का आनंद लेने के लिए काफी अच्छा है लेकिन इतनी छोटी स्क्रीन पर वीडियो देखना बहुत अजीब हो सकता है| टीवी के साथ जीओ मीडिया केबल के जरिए वीडियो स्ट्रीम किया जा सकता है।

5. जिओ फोन में  2 MP कैमरा बेसिक है, लेकिन आप अपने प्रियजनों के साथ वीडियो कॉल कर सकते हैं। बेसिक फोन पर वीडियो चैट वास्तव में एक अच्छी विशेषता है|

6. एनएफसी ( नियर फील्ड कम्यूनिकेशन ) चिप, जियो फोन को जियो पे ऐप की सहायता से अपने फोन को रिसीवर में टैप करके भुगतान करने की अनुमति देता है। डिजिटल भुगतान अधिक बढ़ रहे हैं एनएफसी सुविधा के साथ, यह प्रक्रिया बहुत सरल हो गई है।

जियो फोन से जुडी कमिंया :
1. जियो फोन एक विशेष रूप से विकसित और संशोधित ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम, जिसे KAI ओएस कहा जाता है, उस पर चलता है, यह आमतौर पर कम हार्डवेयर पर चलता है। फोन कभी-कभी धीरे और हैंग हो सकता है जैसे आप तुरंत वॉल्यूम को कम नहीं कर सकते या होम स्क्रीन पर वापस नहीं जा सकते।

2. मल्टीटास्किंग क्षमताओं और जीओ स्टोर पर एप्लिकेशन की उपलब्धता काफी कम है। लेकिन आगे चलकर और भी एप्लीकेशन आने की संभावना है |

3. अस्थिर नेटवर्क में कनेक्टिविटी की वजह से असामान्य व्यवहार हो सकते हैं जैसे संगीत कुछ समय बाद स्वचालित रूप से बंद हो जाता है।

4. म्यूजिक प्लेबैक को रोकने के बाद स्पीकर से अजीब सी आवाज महसूस की गई। हो सकता है कि किसी सॉफ्टवेयर में बग इस समस्या के लिए जिम्मेदार है|

5. यदि आप कई डेटा- एप्लिकेशन का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं, तो बैटरी अच्छी तरह से प्रदर्शन कर सकती है, लेकिन 2000 मीटर बैटरी आपको परेशानी में डाल सकती है अगर आप चार्जिंग पॉइंट से दूर हैं|

6. आप कुछ मुद्दों को अनदेखा कर सकते हैं, जो अपडेट हो सकते हैं क्योंकि यह स्मार्टफोन नहीं है, और स्मार्टफोन यूजर को इसमें काफी कमिया नजर आ सकती है |

unboxing jiophone review hindi

jio phone

अंतिम निर्णय 
जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि जिओ फोन 1500 रुपये के कीमत पर स्मार्टफोन फीचर और मूल फोन का एक अच्छा मिश्रण प्रदान करता है। पैसे के लाभ के लिए और इसके मूल्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए हम जिओ फोन को एक सेकेंडरी फोन के रूप में खरीद सकते हैं या बच्चों या वरिष्ठ लोगों के लिए उपहार  स्वरुप खरीद सकते हैं। आप 153 रुपये से शुरू होने वाली मुफ्त असीमित कॉल्स का आनंद ले सकते हैं और अपने टीवी पर भी लाइव वीडियो का आनद उठा सकते हैं जो कि इस रेंज वाले फोन में बड़ा लाभ है।

Unboxing jiophone review hindi

Myntra [CPS] IN

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unboxing jiophone review hindi

Unboxing and first impression, Jio phone review

After a long wait of months, finally, Jio started deliveries of Jio phone to common users. So here we bring you much-awaited unboxing first impression jio phone review. Most of the basic phones cost around Rs 2000 offering just basic functions like calling, FM, music playback. There is huge market and demand for basic phones in India as still most of the population can’t afford a smartphone with decent specs.

Without wasting much time Jio sensed the demand of a basic phone with features of a smartphone like live TV, movies, music and video calling. Jio after launching their free and later affordable 4G services created a storm in data services between network operators.

unboxing first impression jio phone review

jio phone

ALSO READ: Jio phone features in detail

Unboxing first impression jio phone review

So here we have Jio phone out of the box and real hands-on over the phone. The jio branded package contains red theme explaining various Jio services like Jio Cinema, Jio TV, Jio Music, Jio Video chat, Jio Express and Jio Pay. Jio phone package explains inbox contents like 1 Handset, 1 charger, 1 manual, 1 battery, 1 sim. It also mentions about Jio Media cable which can be connected to any TV to enjoy content from the phone directly. But unfortunately, this cable doesn’t come with the package and needs to be purchased separately.

ALSO READ: How to set free caller tune on Jio phone

After inserting Battery and SIM to Jio phone, we powered up the phone by pressing the red button on right side. Jio phone takes around a minute to present welcome screen. Then you are instructed to choose your default language and Wifi network if you wish. A recent firmware and software update is being notified which is recommended to enjoy the smooth performance. After downloading and installing both firmware and OS updates we are presented to enjoy Jio services.

Unboxing first impression jio phone review

Basic Jio apps like Jio TV, Express, Cinema, Music, Games, My Jio, Jio video chat are accessible. You can also download other apps from Jio Store like as you do on Android phones from Google Store, but right now only limited Jio apps are available to install.

ALSO READ: Right time to purchase JioFi device under festive JioFi offer

unboxing first impression jio phone review

jio phone

After using all apps and services on Jio phone for a day we came to following conclusions:

Unboxing first impression jio phone review


1.  As considering the price of Rs 1500, Jio phone is definitely value for money. With a starting recharge plan of Rs 153/mth, it offers unlimited calls, free roaming and 500 MB of data daily. This can also be carried as a secondary phone or to get rid of the habit of sticking with smartphones every time.

2. A great device for starters, kids and senior people in your home. As kids also started getting fond of smartphones, we can limit them just by providing required basic features and restricting them from unwanted social apps and games.

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3. The touch of buttons and keypad is quite smooth and big keys allow anyone to use them easily, especially senior people who are not comfortable with touch phones. Torchlight is also an advantage at night time.

4. Jio apps are clearly a big advantage to enjoy 4G data on a basic phone, you can enjoy unlimited music, videos, movies and live TV. Speaker is quite loud to enjoy music content. Watching videos can be quite awkward on such a small screen, but can be streamed to your TV via Jio Media cable.

5. Though onboard camera on Jio phone is basic, you can manage to have video calls with your dear ones. Video chat on a basic phone is really a great feature.

6. NFC (Near field communication) chip allows Jio phone to make payments just by tapping your phone to the receiver with the help of Jio Pay app. Digital payments are rising high. With NFC facility, this process has been much simplified.


1. Jio phones run on a very specially developed and a modified Operating system called Kai OS, it usually runs on very low specs and hardware. Phone sometimes hangs and lags in functioning like you can’t immediately minimise volume or go back to home screen.

2. Multitasking capabilities and availability of apps on Jio Store are quite low. But this is acceptable considering Jio phone specs and OS platform.

3. Connectivity issues over the unstable network can lead to unusual behaviour of apps like music stops automatically own it’s after a certain time.

4. A crackling type of sound was observed from speaker after stopping music playback. Maybe any software bug leading this issue. Finding few shortcuts is also hard in beginning

5. You might find battery performing well if you don’t use many data-centric apps, but 2000mah battery can stay you back if you are away from charging point.

6. You can ignore few issues, that might be updated as this is not a smartphone, considering its price.



As we all aware Jio phone offers a good mix of smartphone features and a basic phone at a very low price of Rs 1500. Considering its value for money advantage we can buy Jio phone as a secondary phone or gift it for kids or senior persons who are not comfortable with touch phones. You can enjoy free unlimited calls starting from Rs 153 and can also live stream content to your TV which is a big advantage in this price range phones.

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30 days with Redmi Note 4 Matte Black, 4GB edition, MIUI detailed review

Redmi note 4 matte black

Redmi note 4 matte black

Redmi Note 4 stands as a strong contender with all competitors. Xiaomi is known for its ‘Value for money’ products and successfully proves it with ‘Redmi Note 4’. Here, we unboxed and enjoyed 30 days with Redmi Note 4 Matte Black, 4GB edition. Let’s discuss our detailed opinion about each and every aspect from customer’s view.

Redmi Note 3, also saw success with a whopping 2.3 million units sold just in six months of its sale.

Design and Durability

Redmi Note 4 Matte Black edition surely impresses you with its premium looks and design and gives enough competition to other brands in a segment of 10K to 30K. Unibody metal design attracts your attention when you either keep the smartphone facing back on a table or took in hands. Antenna lines on top and bottom at back adds beautiful art to design. Rounded edges and speaker grill under bottom not only upgrades design values but also physically increases stability and enhances sound level. Placement of dual tone flash between the camera lens and fingerprint sensor at back with same geometric design adds a custom design to the smartphone.

redmi note 4

redmi note 4

Battery performance

4100 mah really performs long more than you could expect. Redmi Note 4 with a full day of heavy usage easily lasts long for a day. I didn’t regret fast charging as one complete charge cycle easily gives you full day backup. I played a lot of heavy games, switched from Wifi to 4G networks, a lot of calls but didn’t found any sign of low battery. Redmi Note 4 easily provides 2 days of usage if you are using for light purposes such as normal data usage and taking few calls. Redmi Note 4 never heated while gaming or 4G usage. Slight change in temperature you might feel in fewer conditions which are rare.

How cool is processor

Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 64-bit Processor performs more than expectations,  didn’t faced any lag while using multiple apps or apps running in the background. Though processor has been degraded from Redmi Note 3 but the slight improvement has resulted in more stable performance and battery saving. Playing heavy games like Asphalt 8 or Modern Combat, I never faced any lag or stuck in between.

 Shooting experience

Clicking experience on Redmi Note 4 has been improved considering its old generation model Redmi Note 3. Rear 13 MP camera shoots some nice photographs in daylight or sufficient source of light. The camera performed well but a slight difference in colour reproduction is noted in few shots. Auto focus takes some time to assign itself to the centre of subject. If this could be reduced, there will be a vast difference in performance. Macro shots were fine but still not up to the mark and require few tweaking. Front 5 MP camera impresses with some nice selfie pictures and adds some virtual brightness which improves pictures a lot.  Videos are recorded at 1920 X 1080 Full HD which are crisp enough to show on all displays.

Who is best : Redmi Note 4 or Moto G5

MIUI, Good or Bad

Redmi Note 4 MIUI 8

Redmi Note 4 MIUI 8


Let’s talk about good things first, MIUI 8 provides tonnes of helpful features that can’t be achieved even by installing a lot of third party apps on a stock Android OS.

Dual apps: Do the two

Redmi Note 4 Dual apps

Redmi Note 4 Dual apps

‘Dual apps’ is such an amazing feature available in Note 4. It allows you to use two different accounts of an app on a single device. Suppose you need two different accounts for an instant chat messenger app or social media app. You can directly tap into another account just with a click flawlessly. You can get ‘Dual apps’ for almost all apps installed on the device.

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Second Space: Another phone in a phone

Redmi Note 4 Second space

Redmi Note 4 Second space

‘Second Space’ on Redmi Note 4, completely creates a virtual secondary environment which allows you to use it as a private space separated from your normal user account. You can customise it as ‘Personal’ phone as comparing to another one as ‘Professional’. It allows you to use a different Google Account and you can utilise everything independent of first professional space.

Security and Permissions

Redmi Note 4 Security and Permissions

Redmi Note 4 Security and Permissions

Redmi Note 4 offers various Security and Permission controls that directly offers more precise control and secured device experience. You might need to download third party apps for specific tasks, but here you can have all in one roof. ‘Cleaner’ functions automatically detects cache, unwanted data on phone and provides one-touch cleaning mechanism. It also prompts over shortcut bar if unwanted data needs to be cleaned.

App by app data utilisation can be tracked by ‘Data Usage’ feature. Unwanted calls can also be blocked easily by inbuilt ‘Blocklist’ feature. Battery health and usage pattern being recorded in ‘Battery’ tab where you can know about temperature and remaining battery. Here you can also save battery by a lot of tweaking. You can set time of app sync and schedule Start and End time.

The virus scanner is provided by Avast, a well-known antivirus provider. It automatically detects suspicious items and warns about same. Scanner auto scans your phone from time to time.

Providing app-specific permissions can be done at ‘Permissions’ tab. Every app needs specific permissions related to hardware or software

The best thing I loved about MIUI is ‘Automated tasks’. It allows creating a lot of automatic tasks for your phone. Suppose you are not using from 11 pm to 6 am or you just don’t want to get disturbed. You can easily create task defining whether to keep the phone on Airplane mode or Silent mode. It not only allows you to sleep uninterrupted but also saves your battery. You can also check your connection speed anytime which shows which apps are consuming data at the moment. Test Network as the name suggests tests your WiFi and mobile data network.

If you ever wanted to lock certain apps on your phone you might just download locking app from Play store full of ads but MIUI already includes much stronger ‘App lock’ options which support all modes of protection including fingerprint, passcode or pattern.

Overall MIUI directly improves functionality and upgrades user experience and let you get rid of third party apps for each and every small task. But, RAM consumption also increases in the background. When you switch on phone for the first time, you are presented with 2 GB of free RAM out of 4 GB. Unfortunately, after long usage, I find RAM consumption increases up to 3 GB and a restart is required. Although, the performance never feels degraded even with less remaining memory.

Final Verdict

Redmi Note 4, stands clearly out of the crowd, just not only for its performance but also due to price factor and different variant available starting from Rs 9,999. You can pick any variant from 2 GB, 3GB or 4 GB with 32 GB and 64 GB memory options. If you are looking for a smartphone with decent shooting experience and full day battery backup with premium looks, you can definitely give a chance to Redmi Note 4

Who is best : Redmi Note 4 or Moto G5

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redmi-note-4 vs Moto G5 Plus

Redmi Note 4 vs Moto G5 plus, full specs and comparison.

redmi-note-4 vs Moto G5 Plus

If you are thinking to buy a new smartphone between Rs 9000 to Rs 16000 but confused between Redmi Note 4 or Moto G5 Plus. We will help you in same and compare features of both phones. Redmi Note 4 and Moto G5 Plus, both brings almost same features in its segment Snapdragon 625 Processor, fingerprint sensor and screen resolution. Let’s check out the comparison between Redmi Note 4 vs Moto G5 Plus below.

Build and Display Quality

  • Moto G5 Plus comes with 5.2 inch full metallic body, One of the first new Moto G phones made from high-grade aluminium. It has height: 150.2 mm and width: 74.0 mm with a depth: 7.7 mm to 9.7 mm. Moto G5 Plus boasts full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080) 424 PPI display protected with  Corning Gorilla Glass 3. It also has an added advantage of protection having water repellent coating which is absent in Redmi Note 4.Moto G5 Plus (Lunar Grey, 32 GB)Redmi Note 4 (Black, 64 GB)
    Redmi Note 4 (Gold, 32 GB)Moto G5 Plus (Fine Gold, 32 GB)


  • Redmi Note 4 comes with a stunning new look with 2.5D curved glass and slimmer, tapered edges. Complete with a bevelled frame and glossy separation lines. The gentle 2.5D curves soften the edges of the Redmi Note 4 display, adding to the clean, minimal aesthetic. Made of anodised aluminium in a premium high-gloss CNC finish, the elegant separation lines adds beauty to Redmi Note 4. It is also slimmer than  Moto G5 Plus. Redmi Note 4 has a display of 5.5 inches slightly larger than Moto G4 Plus with the same resolution.

Operating System and UI

  • Moto G series, known for its stock android experience, doesn’t disappoint stock OS lovers and brings same experience over Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box. Though basic apps for flash and camera control are preloaded. Stock OS has an added advantage over custom skins of other manufacturers. It also keeps RAM management smooth and enhances device performance. You may need third party apps according to your interest for enhancements like security, cleaner, file manager etc.
  • Redmi Note 4 on the other hand, has custom UI skin called MIUI 8 based on Android marshmallow 6.0. Meanwhile, Android 7.0 is in pipeline for users which will be available to all in short span of time. Note 4 packs lot of usable apps in MIUI which has the custom launcher and display experience. It is also loaded with Dual apps and Second Space, allowing a user to use multi-account on the single device. It is a real advantage over stock UI to manage both your personal and professional environment. MIUI also brings custom wallpapers, themes to users over Redmi Note 4 which is common over MI smartphones. Note 4 also include MI account to manage and administer your android device, also allows you to take backup of your contacts, messages and content over the cloud storage. Redmi Note 4 also packs security, cleaner, file manager, music, video apps to seamlessly enjoy multimedia experience.

Camera and video recording experience

  • The 12 MP rear camera in Moto G5 Plus with dual Autofocus Pixels, focuses 60% faster. You can also switch to the wide-angle front camera for group selfies. It has 1.7 aperture with colour balancing dual LED flash. 8X digital zoom for photos and 4X zoom for videos. Autofocus and quick capture allows you to shoot faster and precisely which is a bit slower in Redmi note 4. You can tap anywhere to capture photos. Moto G5 also packs Professional Mode for manual adjustments for better images.
  • Burst mode, Auto HDR, Panorama, Video stabilisation are some best features which make Moto G5 stand apart from Note 4 in the photography section. Videos are recorded at 1080p HD (30 fps) and also have an option of slow motion video. The front camera is 5 MP pixel with wide angle lens and 2.2 aperture with display flash in which screens flashes to simulate led flash. Beautification mode is also available for selfie enhancement.
  • Redmi Note 4 has Backside illumination (BSI) technology for capturing photos,  With 1.12μm pixels and Ultra-fast 0.1s PDAF technology, Note 4 takes comfortable pictures in daylight.  f/2.0 aperture and 5-piece lens make it able to record 720p 120fps slow-motion videos.
    It has got a 5MP front camera with 2.0 aperture to take selfies with Smart and Pro Beautify features which enhance facial tones. Face recognition and 1080p full HD video recording is available on Redmi Note 4.
    It struggles to autofocus and takes some time, while in manual focus mode, a lot of patience and calculation is required to have desired results. Colour re-production is quite comfortable in normal daylight but it fails to capture results in low light environment.

Battery and charging time

  •  Moto G5 Play, claims to have an all-day battery with 3000 mAh. Charges up fast and get up to 6 hours of battery life in just 15 minutes.  15W TurboPower charger is available for up to 6 hours of power in 15 minutes of charging.  3000 mAh is quite low in terms of heavy usage or gaming. But with turbo-charging, you can overcome this issue.
  • In Redmi Note 4, lithium-ion polymer battery of 4100mAh with 5V/2A charging is available which gives enough juice for whole day heavy usage including surfing and gaming. Here, Redmi Note 4 perfectly rules over Moto G5 Plus.

RAM and storage up gradation

  • Moto G5 Play comes in two models, 16 GB & 3 GB RAM  / 32 GB & 4 GB RAM, up to 128 GB microSD Card support.
  • Redmi Note 4 is available in 3 combinations of 2GB + 32GB, 3GB + 32GB, 4GB + 64GB up to 128 GB microSD Card support.

Variants and Colours availability

  • Moto G5  Play available in Lunar Gray or Fine Gold
  • Redmi Note 4 is available in special Black, Gold, Dark grey

Cost factor and availability

  • One thing that makes both smartphones differ is their different price factor. Redmi Note 4, 4 GB RAM and 64 GB storage model available at Rs 12999. While, Moto G5, 4 GB RAM and 32 storage is only available and will cost you Rs 16,999.
  • Redmi Note 4, 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage model available at Rs 10,999 and offering you another cheaper version of 2 GB RAM and 32 storage at Rs 9,999
  • Availability factor of both these phones also matters a lot, as Redmi Note 4 is right now available through flash sales on every Wednesday, but slowly expanding offline retail sales in major cities. Moto G5 Play can be grabbed directly from online channel allowing you to buy easily.

Final verdict

If you want to save extra bucks, and looking for value for money, Redmi Note 4 stands out as a strong contender. Due to availability in three different variants, it fits in everyone one’s hand. Strong battery backup and slim metallic design make it stand apart from Moto G5 Plus. Flash sales and low availability of Note 4 may make you depressed to get your hands on. But expansion in offline retail sales model of Note 4 will reduce this factor. Redmi Note 4 slightly hurts photography experience as the camera on Note 4, couldn’t perform well in low light conditions. You can also use various apps supporting 360 Photosphere, allowing you to take Google Street view style photographs.

If you are in love with stock Android experience and looking for a better photography experience, you can choose Moto G5 plus. Though you need to shell out extra bucks for a 32 GB variant. Build quality of Moto phones will be an important factor here as earlier model G4 failed to impress with its build quality and had some major issues with display and camera lens, reported over social site. Moto really needs to improve its quality and after sales support to hold its position in smartphone market as it directly competes with its parent company Lenovo.

Share your views below if you own Moto G5 or Redmi Note 4

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Remix Android OS, you can carry in your USB drive, full installation and review.

Ever think of installing Android apps over desktop PC. Or just want to test random apps on Android OS keeping your smartphone safe.Remix os android, comes as a brilliant solution for Android fans and testers. Remix OS, as a standalone OS, completely utilizes hardware resources instead of creating a virtual environment over a parent OS. Remix OS brings full support to Android environment with future updates. Let’s you install new apps and provides friendly graphical experience equivalent to Windows OS. Remix OS, will always remain free forever and became possible due to Android-x86 open source project.

Free OTA updates on Remix OS Android PC

  • Get a USB pen-drive with size of 8 GB or more, USB 3.0 will be speedy and faster compared to older drives.
  • You can also install it on your partitioned HDD, be careful and take data backup before proceeding as it will completely wipe out your data.
  • Open downloaded folder, and run Tool to start installation of files to USB drive. Select your desired drive and proceed.



  • Reboot your PC and boot through USB drive or external storage, you might need to configure same by pressing Esc key or F12 key depending on your PC model.
  • Wait for a moment to get it started, bootup might be slow or non-supportive if external usb drive is of slow speed.
  • In case, you need to use your USB drive again for normal data transfer, you need to delete all partitions and storage table, you can use Ubuntu OS for same, as it might be tricky to do it on Windows.

Post your feedback and questions below.

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Buy NOKIA 6 in INDIA: Designed for perfection, built to last


Designed for perfection, built to last
Nokia 6 continues in the footsteps of design heritage: it has a striking clean look, a smooth metal exterior and precise details – and five colors to choose from, including a limited edition glossy Arte Black.

Made to be life-proof
The body of Nokia 6 is crafted with integrity from seamless precision-milled aluminum, taking 55 minutes to machine from a solid block of metal. Together with the sculpted Corning® Gorilla® Glass display, it’s made with materials that can take on life as you know it.

Smartphones for life
For decades, Nokia phones have stood for beautiful, crafted design and excellent quality. This phone is no different: it’s built to take on life as you know it – with durable and beautiful materials, great feel, and an ideal balance of performance and battery life. What’s best, your Nokia phone will stay secure and up to date with regular software updates.

Watch and read on the big, bright display
The 5.5” full-HD display and wide color reproduction make it easy to enjoy your entertainment, even while out and about in bright daylight. And the wide viewing angle makes it easy to watch videos with friends.

Document your life with the 16 MP camera
Snapping photos of your favorite moments is easy with the camera app on Nokia 6. There’s a 16 MP phase detection autofocus camera on the back, and an 8 MP camera on the front. Plus the dual-tone flash on the main camera helps you take natural-looking photos, even in low light.

Pure, secure and up to date
Nokia 6 comes with Android Nougat, the full spread of Google Services and no unnecessary extras. You get an experience that’s focused and clutter-free, and make sure you keep getting regular updates, so you’ll always stay on top of features and security.

Nokia 6 Arte Black

Nokia 6 Arte Black is the premium variant of the smartphone. While it shares much of the features and hardware with the standard model, it comes with 64GB internal storage and 4GB RAM as standard. The smartphone’s USP, however, is its glossy black body that offers a more premium look compared to the standard model.

Availability in INDIA

NOKIA 6 will be available in INDIA in quarter 2 of 2017

You can book/buy NOKIA 6 from here


  • Convenient fingerprint sensor
  • Bright full-HD sculpted Corning® Gorilla® Glass display with wide color reproduction
  • 16 MP camera on the back, 8 MP on the front
  • Immersive sound with Dolby Atmos® and dual speakers
  • Available as both single SIM and dual SIM variants
  • Clean and clutter-free Android Nougat with regular updates
  • The latest generation Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 430 processor designed for excellent battery life and improved graphics performance
  • 3 GB of RAM
  • The full set of Google services, including Google Photos and Google Play
  • Loads of space with 32 GB mass storage2 and MicroSD card support up to 128 GB

Full specifications


Your Nokia 6 : Charger, Charging/data cable, Headset, Quick guide, SIM door key


Colors Arte Black, Matte Black, Tempered Blue, Silver, Copper

Size 154 x 75.8 x 7.85 mm (8.4 with camera bump)


Network speed LTE Cat. 4, 150Mbps DL/50Mbps UL

Networks GSM: 850/900/1800/1900; WCDMA: Band 1, 2, 5, 8; LTE: Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 20, 28, 38, 40


Operating system Android™ 7.1.1 Nougat

RAM Arte Black, 4 GB; all other colors, 3 GB

CPU Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 430 mobile platform



Internal memory Arte Black, 64 GB2; all other colors, 32 GB2

MicroSD card slot Support for up to 128 GB

Services Google Drive


Connector 3.5 mm headphone jack

Speakers Dual speakers

Amplifier Smart amplifier (TFA9891) with Dolby Atmos®


Size and type 5.5” IPS LCD

Resolution Full-HD (1920 x 1080, 16:9)

Material 2.5D sculpted Corning® Gorilla® Glass display

Pixel density 403 ppi

Brightness 450 nits, laminated

Features Sunlight readability


Primary camera 16MP PDAF, 1.0um, f/2, dual tone flash

Front-facing camera 8MP AF, 1.12um, f/2, FOV 84 degrees


Connectivity Micro USB (USB 2.0), USB OTG, Wi-Fi

Sensors Accelerometer (G-sensor), ambient light sensor, e-compass, Hall sensor, fingerprint sensor, gyroscope, proximity sensor, NFC


Battery type Integrated 3000 mAh battery

You can book/buy NOKIA 6 from here

Comment below for further queries

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Web Work Trade Link Private Limited, another social media fraud busted

Both Social Trade and Webwork Trade Link Private Ltd are ‘pay per click’ schemes but the business models are different. The difference between Social Trade, offered by Anubhav Mittal of Ablaze Info Solutions, and Webwork, whose “publishing programs” are offered by directors Anurag Garg and Sandesh Verma, is that while Social Trade ‘s business model is based only on revenue from the investors, Webwork’s model gets revenue from “publishers” as well as from registered shopkeepers and product sellers.Webwork has created a webpage,, where some shopkeepers and product sellers are registered, according to the company. These shopkeepers would pay to ABC Associates, Webwork’s sister concern.

Webwork Trade Link Private Ltd subscription mechanism

In effect, the Webwork Trade Link Private Ltd gets money from these registered shopkeepers and from the “publishers” who buy its plans.However, legal and financial experts have warned investors to exercise caution before putting their money in the programs of these companies in absence of any one law to govern the internet-based business models. Social Trade operated through a maze of dubious URLs sent to the phones of subscribers that they were asked to click on. These would sometimes be links to Facebook or Twitter profiles of other subscribers. However, there was apparently no promotion happening because a fake server was set up where these links would terminate.According to the UP special task force, the total amount that has been dumped from over six lakh investors is around Rs 3,700 crore.

Read: Will you get back your money from SOCIAL TRADE

The Uttar Pradesh police investigating allegations of fraud levied against an online social trading company, Web Work Trade Link Private Limited. The company is suspected to be working on the lines of Ablaze Info Solutions Private Limited, which is currently being investigated for fraud.

According to the complaint filed by AK Jain, an insurance agent from Ghaziabad, Web Work, which has an office in Noida’s Sector 2, offered people a chance to make money following an initial investment.

Noida police on February 12 lodged an FIR under the charges of cheating against Web Work’s directors — Anurag Garg and Sandesh Verma — following the complaint.

“Today, we are taking statements of the complainant, AK Jain, who accused Web Work of cheating and fraud. Once we are done with that, we will move onto the next phase of investigations. We are understanding the case in detail — as to how Web Work is cheating investors and its modus operandi,” Gaurav Grover, additional superintendent of police (DSP), Gautam Budh Nagar, said.

“The complainant has invested ₹3.5 lakh in Web Work, as per the investment scheme. He got returns for a few days after which the web portal stopped payments. In an FIR, prima facie, allegations are that the company has violated law to cheat investors. We are trying to pinpoint the law that has been violated and determining the best way to proceed with the investigation,” Grover said.

In a similar case, the Uttar Pradesh Police’s Special Task force had on February 2 busted an online trading scam worth over Rs 3,700 crore by Noida-based Ablaze Info Solutions Private Limited in which nearly seven lakh people were duped on the pretext of getting money in lieu of clicking on specific links.

Amit Kishore Jain, a Ghaziabad resident, filed a complaint at Sector 20 police station alleging that the company’s owners duped nearly two lakh people who were promised handsome returns by clicking on web links and made Rs 500 crore in the past four months.


Webwork Trade Links Private Limited is located at D 57, Sector 2 and has shut operations till April 20.

An FIR has been filed based on Jain’s complaint and the UPSTF has started a probe into the matter.

“The company’s directors Anurag Garg and Sudesh offered membership to more than four lakh people in the past four months for the click and earn plan. It is alleged that they collected over Rs 500 crore from around two lakh people,” SP (City) Dinesh Yadav said.

The complainant has alleged that Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui are brand ambassadors of the firm and have featured in its advertisements.

UPSTF ASP Triveni Singh said, “We have other such companies on our radar and started a probe into this case.”

The company in a notice on its website has said its operations will remain closed till April 20 due to transaction problems.




सोशल ट्रेड के बाद अब वेब वर्क कंपनी तमाम एजेंसियों के रडार पर है. इस सिलसिले में अब वित्त मंत्रालय की खुफिया इकाई एफआईयू यानी फाइनेंशियल इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट ने जांच शुरू कर दी है. आपको बता दें कि एफआईयू ट्रेरर फाइनेंस, मनी लांड्रिंग के खिलाफ जांच करती है.

आपको बता दें कि शनिवार को बाकायदा वेब वर्क कंपनी के मालिकों संदेश वर्मा और अनुराग गर्ग ने अखबारों में एड देकर कंपनी के बंद होने की सूचना दी थी. इसके बाद से लाखों लोगों का भविष्य अधर में लटक गया है.

दरअसल, कंपनी के फर्जीवाड़े के खिलाफ दिसंबर महीने में शिकायत दी गई थी. इसके बाद से अब एफआईयू ने जांच शुरू कर दी है. माना जा रहा है कि इस कंपनी ने 4 महीनों में 500 करोड़ रुपए इंवेस्टर से ले लिए. कई लोग तो ऐसे हैं जिन्होंने कई लाख रुपए इस कंपनी में इवेंस्ट किए थे.

सूत्रों की मानें तो वेब वर्क के खिलाफ यूपी एसटीएफ को शिकायतें मिल रही हैं. अब चूंकि पुलिस के एक्शन होने से पहले ही कंपनी के मालिक इसे बंद कर चुके हैं. ऐसे में लाखों लोगों की पेमेंट आना बंद हो गई है. ये कंपनी फिलहाल बिट क्वाइन में पैसे दे रही थी, जो कि अवैध करेंसी है.

माना जा रहा है कि जल्द ही पुलिस इस सिलसिले में एक्शन लेगी. ये भी कहा जा रहा है कि इस सिलसिले में पुलिस जल्द ही एफआईआर भी दर्ज करने जा रही है. ऐसे में लाखों लोगों की जमापूंजी इस वजह से फंस जाएगी.

Comment below if you invested or want more information about WEB WORK TRADE LINK

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स्पेशल टास्क फाॅर्स, एस टी एफ ने 3,700 करोड़ रुपये के सबसे बड़े ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी का किया भंडाफोड़, 3 गिरफ्तार

  • news social trade
    news social trade

नई दिल्ली: एस टी एफ ने 3,700 करोड़ रुपये के सबसे बड़े ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी सोशल ट्रेड का किया भंडाफोड़, 3 गिरफ्तार 

ऑनलाइन व्यापार के भेष में चलाया जा रहा 3,700 करोड़ रुपये का सोशल ट्रेड का बिज़नेस स्पेशल टास्क फाॅर्स (एस टी एफ) ने खुलासा किया है।  तीन लोगों को गिरफ्तार किया गया है और आगे जांच जारी  है। प्रारंभिक जांच से पता चला कि नोएडा सेक्टर-63 में स्थित Ablaze Infosolution  नामक कंपनी ने  लगभग 7 लाख लोगों को ठगा और लगभग रु 3,700 करोड़ अपने पास जमा कर लिए ।

social trade

social trade

Read more: SOCIAL TRADE 

‘क्लिक करे और 5  रुपये कमायें ‘ स्कीम के अन्तर्गत लोगो को  5,750 से 57,500 रुपए लेकर सदस्य बनाया जा रहा था । यह कंपनी सोशल ट्रेड बिज़ नाम के अन्तर्गत कंपनी चला रहे थे जिसका कार्यालय गाजियाबाद और नॉएडा स्थित है


पुलिस ने कहा की अबतक रु 500 करोड़ के आसपास ट्रैक करने में कामयाब रहे और बाकी आगे जांच जारी है। पुलिस ने कंपनी के खाते जब्त कर दिए है। Ablaze Infosolution  के  मालिक ने लगातार गिरफ्तारी से बचने के लिए कंपनी के नाम में बदलाव किये।,,, आदि नामो से विभिन्न कंपनियां चलाई ।


Source :

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Social Trade Biz Ablaze Info Solution, Is it safe or fraud, detailed review

social trade

social trade

(सोशल ट्रेड डॉट बिज़) क्या हैं?

इसको सोशल ट्रेड बिज़ के नाम से जाना जा रहा हैं। कम समय में अधिक पैसा कमाने का सपना लिए बहुत सारे लोग हर रोज़ ‘Social Trade’ से जुड़ रहे हैं, और कई लोग तो इससे जुड़कर काफी पैसा भी बना चुके हैं। अब भी जो लोग इस कंपनी से जुड़ रहे हैं, उनके बैंक खाते में कंपनी हर रोज़ पैसे जमा करा रही है। यह कंपनी किसकी है? क्या काम करती है? कैसे काम करती है और कैसे ये लाखो लोगों को रातों-रात अमीर बना देने का वादा कर पा रही है?

‘Social Trade’ ABLAZE Info Solutions (अब्लेज़ इन्फो सोल्यूशंस प्राइवेट लिमिटेड) नाम की कंपनी की ही एक इकाई है। इसकी शुरुआत August 2015 में हुई थी। यह डिजिटल मार्केटिंग का काम करती है। सोशल मीडिया (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) पर कई लोग अपनी कंपनियों का प्रचार करते हैं। जैसे फेसबुक पर कई लोग अपने पेज को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों तक पहुंचाने के लिए फेसबुक को पैसा देते हैं। सोशल मीडिया  पर प्रचार का यही काम सोशल ट्रेड भी करती है।

SocialTrade काम कैसे करता हैं?

SocialTrade एक वेबसाइट हैं जहाँ पर आपको काम करने के लिए सदस्यता  लेनी पड़ती हैं, अभी चार तरह की सदस्यता सोशल ट्रेड दे रहा हैं।

STP 10 (10 clicks per day) – INR 5750
STP 20 (20 clicks per day) – INR 11500
STP 50 (50 clicks per day) – INR 28750
STP 100 (100 clicks per day) – INR 57500

और ये फीस एक साल के लिए वैध हैं एक साल बाद आपको दोबारा से प्लान/पैकेज  को पुनः नवीकरण करवाना पड़ता हैं। अगर आप 11,500 हज़ार का प्लान लेते हैं तो आपको 20 लिंक/क्लिक मिलते हैं, इन क्लिक  की संख्या अलग अलग प्लान में अलग-अलग होती हैं जिनको आपको क्लिक करना पड़ता हैं हर एक क्लिक के Social Trade आपको 5 रूपये देता हैं, बस इतना ही करना हैं और उसके बाद अपने कार्य को सबमिट  कर देना होता हैं आप अपनी दैनिक इनकम को रोजाना, साप्ताहिक या महीने में ले सकते हैं। Social Trade ये पैसा आपके बैंक अकाउंट में NEFT करके जमा कर देता हैं।

ये लिंक  कौनसी वेबसाइट  या फेसबुक पेज के होते हैं?

 Social Trade मूल रूप से SEO का काम करती है। SEO यानी ‘सर्च इंजन ऑप्टीमाईजेशन’ सरल भाषा में समझें तो इसका मतलब है Google और Yahoo, Rediff जैसे सर्च इंजन पर किसी वेबसाइट को बढ़ावा देना, इसके बारें विस्तृत रूप में नीचे बताता हूँ। Social Trade के अनुसार जो links वह अपने user/customers को भेजती हैं ये लिंक  मुख्यतः उन लोगों की वेबसाइट या  पेज के होते हैं जिन्होंने अपने प्रचार के लिए Social Trade को पैसे दिए हैं। कंपनी उन लोगों से हर क्लिक के 10-15 रूपये लेती है, इसमें से हर क्लिक के पांच रूपये वो क्लिक करने वाले को देती हैं और बाकी Social Trade खुद रख लेती है।

इसके अलावा सोशल ट्रेड पर असली कमाई लोगों को जोड़ने से होती है।

जैसे किसी भी Multi Level Marketing(एमएलएम) वाले व्यापार में लोगों को जोड़ना होता है, वैसे ही सोशल ट्रेड में भी ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों को कंपनी से जोड़ने पर आपकी कमाई कई गुना तक बढ़ जाती है।

MLM कम्पनी क्या होती हैं और ये सब कुछ समय बाद समाप्त कैसे हो जाती हैं?

MLM का फुल फॉर्म होता हैं Multi Level Marketing। इसमें कंपनी मार्केटिंग का खर्चा नहीं करती हैं बल्कि यह काम उसकें अपने सदस्य ही करते हैं और कंपनी इस काम के लिए उनको कुछ कमीशन देती हैं, यह कमीशन उनको जितने मेंबर वो जोड़ता हैं उसके हिसाब से मिलता रहता हैं, जब कोई भी एक लेग चलनी बंद हो जाती हैं तो कंपनी की इनकम आना बंद हो जाती हैं और इसी तरह कस्टमर का कमीशन भी आना बंद हो जाता हैं और इस तरह से कंपनी बंद हो जाती हैं और कोई कंपनी निष्क्रिय हो जाती हैं और कई कंपनी पैसा लेकर भाग भी जाती हैं।

SEO, SMO, SME क्या होता हैं और कैसे काम करता हैं, आइये जानते हैं।

SEO की फुल फॉर्म हैं Search Engine Optimization
SMO stands for Search Media Optimization
SME Search Media Exchange

क्या SocialTrade के क्लिक मात्र करने से किसी की वेबसाइट, Google अथवा सर्च इंजन  में रैंक कर सकती हैं।

SocialTrade में आपको 10 से 100 अलग अलग सदस्यता के हिसाब से  क्लिक करने को दिए जाते हैं, इसमें यूजर जैसे ही लिंक क्लिक करता हैं तो एक पॉप अप मैसेज होती हैं। वेबसाइट  या फेसबुक पेज थोड़ी देर के लिए खुलता हैं और फिर अपने आप बंद हो जाता हैं  यह मूल रूप से समय  20-30 सेकंड का होता हैं, अब यह बात तो निश्चित ही हैं कि किसी भी यूजर ने उस वेबसाइट को खोल  तो वह पढने के लिए तो किया नहीं हैं मतलब कि user/visitor ने वेबसाइट विजिट करी हैं पर उसको कंटेंट या जानकारी को जानने में रूचि  नहीं हैं, ऐसा विजिट्स को गूगल बॉउंसड ट्रैफिक  में रखता हैं, जिससे वेबसाइट की रैंकिंग में कोई फायदा नहीं होता, हाँ ज्यादा बाउंस रेट होने पर SEO में नुकसान जरुर हो सकता हैं।

Social Trade और facebook, Google के ऐडक्लिक  में क्या फर्क  हैं और कौनसा क्लिक आपकी वेबसाइट को फायदा पंहुचा सकता हैं?

Facebook से विज्ञापन करते समय Facebook आपसे कुछ प्रश्न करता हैं और पूछता हैं कि आपका बिज़नस किस से सम्बंधित हैं कौन सी उम्र के तथा कौनसे वर्ग वाले तथा किस जगह में आप अपने बिज़नस का प्रचार करना चाहते हो?

इस प्रकार आप अपने बिज़नस का दायरा Facebook को बताते हैं और Facebook उस दायरे में आने वाले (Interested Users) को ही ज्यादा से ज्यादा विज्ञापन दिखता हैं जिससे आपका बिज़नस बढ़ने होने में मदद  मिलती हैं।

Google भी इसी तरह की कार्यप्रणाली से विज्ञापन दिखया करता हैं, वह यूजर/बिज़नेस ओनर से उसके बिज़नस का एरिया, कीवर्ड्स डलवाता हैं और उसके हिसाब से  ही आगंतुकों को विज्ञापन दिखाता हैं। आप सभी एक बात नोटिस करते होंगे और अगर नहीं करते तो, कीजिये कि अगर मैं Google पर laptop सर्च करता हूँ तो मुझे अगले 3-4 दिन किसी भी वेबसाइट  पर Google विज्ञापन  में ज्यादा लैपटॉप के ही विज्ञापन दिखाई देंगें।

Social Trade इन सबसे बिल्कुल अलग हैं और पता नहीं किस तरह ही मार्केटिंग या विज्ञापन करता हैं जिसमें यूजर/आगंतुक वेबसाइट खोलता हैं । आगंतुक उस वेबसाइट को देखने में या कोई जानकारी हासिल करने में कोई रूचि नहीं रखता और फिर थोड़ी देर बाद वह वेबसाइट या फेसबुक  पेज अपने आप बंद हो जाता हैं।

क्या SocialTrade के द्वारा कमाई की जा सकती हैं

यह बात तो मैं नहीं बता सकता कि कमाई की जा सकती हैं या नहीं, लेकिन इस बात को मैं अच्छी तरह से जानता हूँ कि जो काम Social Trade करवा रहा हैं और जिस काम के वह पैसे दे रहा हैं वह काम किसी भी काम का नहीं हैं, और इससे वेबसाइट के SEO, SMO को ज्यादा फर्क नहीं पड़ता हैं, कमाई के बारें में तो वही लोग बता सकते हैं जो कि यह कर रहे हैं, लेकिन मैं आप लोगो को यहाँ बताना चाहता हूँ कि आप अपने मेहनत की कमाई को अगर अगर कहीं खर्च करें तो अच्छी तरह से सोच समझ कर करें।

एक बात और बताना चाहता हूँ कि सोशल ट्रेड ने अपनी वेबसाइट पर अपनी प्रमाणिकता साबित करने के लिए कंपनी के PAN Card, Registration Certificate, ISO Certificate और Service Tax Certificate की Image लगाई हुई हैं। Company Law/ Company Secretary(CS) के जानकार बताते हैं कि किसी भी वैध कंपनी को अपनी वेबसाइट पर इन documents को दिखाने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं होती, तो फिर यह क्यों ऐसा कर रहा हैं, कहीं इसके पीछे कोई बड़ा SCAM करने की साजिश  तो नहीं।

कुल चार दस्तावेज जो कंपनी के पास हैं जो कि मैंने ऊपर बताएं हैं उनमें तीन अलग-अलग पते के  हैं। इससे भी चिंताजनक बात तो यह है कि इन दस्तावेजो  का सीधे-सीधे ‘Social Trade’ से कोई लेना-देना भी नहीं दिखाई देता ये सभी दस्तावेज ‘ABLAZE Info Solutions Pvt Ltd’ नाम की कंपनी के हैं। सोशल ट्रेड का दावा है कि वह इसी कंपनी की एक Unit है लेकिन ‘ABLAZE Info Solutions की वेबसाइट में कहीं भी ‘सोशल ट्रेड’ का कोई जिक्र तक नहीं है।

मैं Social Trade के क्लिक कर-कर के काफी पैसे कमा चुका हूँ, क्या मेरी यह कमाई ऐसे ही जारी रहेगी?

 जो क्लिक  करने से पैसे कमाने का काम हैं वह बेकार का काम हैं और इसका SEO, SMO से कोई लेना देना नहीं हैं, SocialTrade पैसे दे रहा हैं अच्छी बात हैं, पर आगे यह पैसे देगा या नहीं इसके बारें में या तो Social Trade या फिर भगवान ही बता सकता हैं।

Online Digital Marketing के जानकार भी यह बात मानते हैं कि सोशल ट्रेड भी Speak Asia की तरह SCAM कर सकती है क्योंकि ग्राहकों से जो पैसा वह ले रही है उसी पैसे को अन्य ग्राहकों में बांट रही है और उसके पास आय का कोई अन्य जरिया ही नहीं है।

मैंने अभी तक ज्वाइन नहीं किया हैं क्या मुझे यह करना चाहिए।

यह आप की समझ पर निर्भर करता हैं मैं बस इतना ही कहूँगा कि अपनी मेहनत की कमाई को किसी बिज़नेस या इस तरह के काम में लगाने से पहले एक बार अपने स्तर पर अच्छी तरह से जांच लें, किसी झांसे में न आयें, उसने कमायें हैं तो मैं भी कर लूँगा, केवल ऐसा सोच कर न करें, अपने सारें पहलुओं को जांच कर ही कोई कदम बढ़ाएं। आपके मित्र यह बताएँगे कि इस कंपनी की सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि यह रोज़ के रोज़ ही लोगों के अकाउंट में पैसे जमा करवाती है, इसलिए यहां पैसा डूबने का कोई खतरा नहीं है। लेकिन यह कब तक जमा करवायेगी यह पता नहीं ।

जिस पार्ट टाइम  काम के नाम पर Social Trade पैसा बांट रही है, असल में वह कोई काम ही नहीं है

Social Trade के बारे में इन्टरनेट पर जितनी सकारात्मक जानकारी उपलब्ध हैं उतनी ही नकारात्मक भी, लेकिन फिर भी कुछ लोग उदाहरण बनकर, जिन्होंने Social Trade से जुड़कर लाखों रूपये कमा लिए हैं, अन्य कई लोगों को इससे जुड़ने का लगातार लालच दे रहे हैं अत: आप सभी सोच समझ कर ही इस ओर बढे।

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social trade

SOCIAL TRADE BIZ Terms and conditions, must know before you join

99.9% people joining Social Trade Biz (ABLAZE INFO SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD) will never ever read terms and conditions carefully. It’s a human mindset, whenever you are eager to do something in utmost excitement, you skip very crucial necessary steps. Clicking ACCEPT/I AGREE button means USER has given his acceptance. Let’s review and understand SOCIAL TRADE BIZ Terms conditions, user agreement containing all terms and conditions.

  1. Social Trade biz (ABLAZE INFO SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD) is engaged in the business of Information and Technology and business model related to virtual information exchange through social media.
  2. Users are involved in the business as per online registration form.
  3. The User is interested in this business of digital marketing and e-commerce.
  4. Relying upon representations and agreement means the user is entitled to rendering business.


A user panel called ‘Dashboard’ will be provided to user who pays for availing click based service. Social trade can promote any content whether its organic or inorganic means natural user generated content or auto-generated content over the internet.

  • Here, social trade biz is explaining that they are not taking money for providing home-based work of providing links but in reality, they are looting money from customers and taking the huge amount in the name of membership.
  • SOCIAL TRADE shall provide part time Optional work to the customer with the purchase of any of the available Digital Marketing Services on the website, it means it can provide any random online work to customers.
  • It may include  (Social Media Promotion, In-Organic Visits on Website & Blogs, Affiliate Advertisement and other online work)
  • Social Trade owns full right if they want to discontinue part-time work anytime if skipped by the customer.

Read our review about SOCIAL TRADE


  • The price of subscription/commercial terms can vary with time, without prior notice. The users are advised to check the same on the website from time to time, means price value can be changed anytime without any notice to user and need to check on website periodically.
  • SOCIAL TRADE shall pay to the User on per Click basis for any services rendered by the customer for the Optional Work rendered. The price of per click is subjected to the decision of the company which shall be notified to the service provider from time to time. The price may increase or decrease pertaining to the competition in the market.
  • User need to get his issues resolved in only 7 days if there are any discrepancy in the invoice provided to them.
  • Payment can be hold down by company anytime if it is under investigation team means there will be no guarantee for payment.
  • No cash payments involved under this business, user needs to submit by online means.




  • The User shall not use the Ablaze/Social Trade products or services illegally and/or prohibited activity for conducting any illegal activity under applicable laws. The User shall not use the services for spam, unsolicited Facebook pages/posts or websites; unsolicited digital marketing; to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others; publish or distribute any inappropriate, profane, defamatory information; restrict or inhibit others from using the services of Ablaze ; illegal call recordings; or, in any way violate applicable Indian laws.
  • The User shall not create a false identity for the purpose of utilizing the Ablaze/Social Trade services and products for misleading others.
  • The User is responsible for maintaining the security and privacy of its account, at its’ end, if its used by any other means will be treated for service termination.
  • The User shall not reverse engineer, de-compile, decode, decrypt, disassemble, or in any way derive source code from Ablaze Info Solution’s Intellectual Property.
  • The User shall submit identification documents as proof of their personal as well as business identity, as regulated by the Govt. of India.




  • Any point purchased from Social Trade shall be effective from the date of payment and shall remain valid for the period of 1 year from the date of purchase of those ePoints bought for the first time unless terminated in case breach of terms and conditions of this documents.
  • Termination for Default – the Company may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of these terms and conditions, by written notice of default sent to the User, terminate his Social Trade Plan in whole.
  • In the event of Company terminating the plan in whole pursuant to the conditions of this document.

Read our review about SOCIAL TRADE


If you are going to register or join SOCIAL TRADE, than keep major points in your mind that company restricts you to your consumer rights. Your money is refundable under very limited conditions, you have limited time to get your boosters, in any case you can’t blame company for the loss and wholly responsible for the same.

In the hidden process of social link exchange program where user clicks on random fake links. To gimmick user interaction, they are offered part-time work for the money paid to them. But in the real world nobody offers such value for clicking a single LIKE button over a random page. Reality of social media is far from the facts. Only money is rotated through Multi level chain marketting where money rotates from bottom to top. It has happened earlier also with lot of schemes like Speak Asia and many others. Most of people are attracted towards easy money generation without any effort. Process changes but mechanism remains same, just make members under you and start earning. If you have earned money with your hardcore efforts, never ever invest or register under these types of schemes to earn fast money. SOCIAL TRADE will see the sunset soon, till it reaches it peak.

Comment below your views about SOCIAL TRADE

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coolpad note 5

Review, hands on Coolpad Note 5


coolpad note 5

cool pad note 5

Recently we reviewed Coolpad Note 5, which offers good specs on paper with 4 GB RAM and 5.5 Full HD display.Overall, Coolpad Note 5 available in two colors Gold and Space grey, offers balanced performance considering its price range and segment.  Let’s have a look at various features of this smartphone which makes it compete with Xiaomi Redmi 3S.


  • 13MP primary camera with autofocus and 8MP front facing camera with flash


  • 13.97 centimetres (5.5-inch) FHD IPS capacitive touchscreen with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution and 401 ppi pixel density


  • Android 6.0 + CoolUI operating system with 1.5 GHz, Qualcomm Snapdragon 617 MSM8952 octa-core,


  • 4GB RAM, 32GB internal memory expandable up to 64GB and dual SIM (nano+nano (hybrid)) dual-standby (4G+4G) with VoLTE


  • 4010 mAh battery providing talk-time of 8 hours and standby time of 200 hours


  • 1-year manufacturer warranty for device and 6 months manufacturer warranty for in-box accessories including batteries from the date of purchase

Design and Build quality

Coolpad Note 5 looks premium and elegant while holding, thanks to its metallic body. It sports a full metal unibody design which almost resembles Redmi 3S.  Screen covered with 2.5 D curved glass adds a premium appeal to the smartphone. Below the display you will find capacitive keys for task switching, back and home. Unfortunately, sometimes you struggle to find them in dark. Embedding keys on display or at least have backlit on keys might be a good decision. At back, you can find camera and fingerprint sensor and brand logo below. The volume rocker is present on the left and the power button is located on right.

Coolpad Note 5Coolpad Note 5Coolpad Note 5Coolpad Note 5Coolpad Note 5Coolpad Note 5Coolpad Note 5Coolpad Note 5Coolpad Note 5

Multitasking and Gaming Performance

The combination of Snapdragon 617 1.5 Ghz Octa core processor and 4 GB RAM succeeds to provide multi-tasking environment in the day to day routine usage. Snapdragon 617 is quite low in terms of performance compared Normal usage of apps like Whatsapp, Facebook in frontend and messengers in background survive easily for smooth performance without ending background services. Fingerprint works flawlessly and unlocks the phone in less than a second.

Android 6.0.1 is onboard with custom COOL UI on top. In few aspects, COOL UI provide some cool features like gesture control, Smart control, inbuilt screen recorder, voice recorder, easy screenshot, dual apps, one touch wallpaper changer, Auto WIFI turn off while having signals less than 10%. You can also choose a lot of catchy themes available online from Theme manager. If you are not friendly with stock Android, COOL UI easily attracts your attention.Coolpad Note 5 also includes Cool manager app that allows you to easily manage cache memory, block unwanted calls, service centre locator.

Considering Coolpad Note 5 gaming performance, to utilise its 4 GB RAM and graphics memory we tested some graphic hungry games like Asphalt 8 and Modern Combat 5: Blackout. The phone easily handles heavy gaming and provides smooth performance. We find few skips in frames and little processing load in few instances but overall, smartphone manages to provide a nice experience. Phone heats a little which is quite normal while heavy usage. Casual gaming apps like Subway surfer and Temple Run, runs flawlessly. One thing which we missed here is the support for Virtual reality due to gyroscope sensor, which is a major issue if you are thinking of VR experience.


Camera quality

Coolpad Note 5 offers 13 MP rear snapper at the rear and 8 MP at front with flash on both sides. The rear camera seems to provide a better experience but needs slight optimisations in terms of detail. You need some time to settle with shooting photographs. Landscape shots were captured with some low details. Low light photography is average in dark conditions. Provides some nice clicks while doing macro-shoots. Color combination and reproduction seems slight low as you watch your pictures on other devices. Front 8 MP snapper is a good option for taking vibrant selfies. Inbuilt front flash enhances your low light clicks. A lot of optimisation and inbuilt beauty enhancing feature allows you to capture in different settings. Inbuilt Age detector and Auto beautify filter allows to capture instant uploads to social platforms without much need of editing. Video recording is capable at 1080 full HD but the quality is average considering 13 MP.


Battery backup

4,1000 Mah inbuilt battery gives enough power to 5.5-inch display for all day long performance. Using 4G data services and few instances of half an hour long,  kept the phone running for the day. Another Power saving mode is provided to save your battery under low battery conditions which allow you to check SMS and handling calls. Charger provided inbox is a basic 10W charger which leads to slow charging. You can opt to use quick charger 3.0 which will drastically decrease charging time. Coolpad note 5 heats up little while charging and heavy usage is not recommended while it’s in charge.


Final Verdict

Coolpad Note 5 offers balanced performance considering its price segment, competing directly with Redmi Note 3 and LeEco Le2. If you could ignore few things like Snapdragon 617 and lack of Gyroscope sensor, it makes a still good budget deal as it is available directly without any rush of the flash sale. It also outperforms in terms of RAM to its contender Redmi 3 with 3 GB RAM. You can pick this smartphone if you are looking for options under 15 thousand.

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