How to install data card on Ubuntu OS ?

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How to install data card on Ubuntu OS ?

Myntra [CPS] IN

Here we will be explaining ‘how to install data card on Ubuntu OS’. Installing and using data card could be hectic sometimes over Ubuntu OS, Most of the data cards are auto detected in Ubuntu but you might need to cross check compatibility between hardware manufacturers.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. First of all check activation status of data card with your network operator. Plugin your data card to available USB port, wait for few minutes for hardware initialization to install data card.

install data card ubuntu os

install data card ubuntu os

2. Click on network icon available next to date,time & sound icon on top, click on ‘Edit connections’ at the end. Select third tab, ‘Mobile broadband’ than click on ‘Add’.

Additionally, you can configure WiFi, LAN Ethernet and  VPN also in other tabs.

install data card ubuntu os

install data card ubuntu os

3. Next dialog will prompt you to set up a mobile broadband network. Here, you can provide operator’s name and set APN (access point name).

install data card ubuntu os

install data card ubuntu os

4. Click ‘Continue’ than select country  in our case its ‘India’, click continue.

MMT International Hotels [CPS] APAC
install data card ubuntu os

install data card ubuntu os

5. Select your data card provider from list, as in current condition is ‘Tata photon’. Click ‘continue’. Select your ‘billing plan’ if applicable or keep it default.

install data card ubuntu os

install data card ubuntu os

6. Next dialog box will show you that your mobile broadband has been configured, showing you settings similar to below screen.

install data card ubuntu os

install data card ubuntu os

7. Now, again click on network icon, your configured connection will be available under mobile broadband connection in menu, click on it to connect. Make sure ‘Mobile broadband’ option is checked below in ‘Enable networking’, ‘Enable wireless’ and ‘Enable Mobile broadband’.

8. To enter any custom settings regarding ‘username’, ‘password’ again edit connections and provide them. You can also check ‘connect automatically’ to get your internet connected automatically.

9. You will also notice that there is a signal indicator available at top right of the desktop which shows network strength. Keep track of your internet usage to avoid unwanted charges in billing.

install data card ubuntu os

install data card ubuntu os


MMT International Hotels [CPS] APAC



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