SOCIAL TRADE BIZ- Is it fraud or safe to invest

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SOCIAL TRADE BIZ- Is it fraud or safe to invest

Myntra [CPS] IN

Recently, joined one of 3 hours long seminar held at Ghalib Auditorium (ITO) New Delhi. SOCIAL TRADE BIZ (Ablaze Info Solutions) didn’t provide actual information regarding the real business of Ablaze Infosolution. For one hour, motivational videos copied from Youtube channel (Sandeep Maheshwari) were played, later an hour for explaining social media exchange of Google, Facebook, Youtube, how they earn, how they provide ad services. Pay per click mechanism, pay per view, paid ad services, paid inorganic likes. Last hour, spent on describing their so-called money exchange plan, referral bonus and showing off network achievers, where one was showing his account statement credit of 4 lac weekly from 6 IDs, one was showing off how he managed to buy brand new car worth Rs 8 lakh. I couldn’t find any rock solid information about clients of SOCIAL TRADE BIZ (just logos of Delhi govt, Haryana govt, HDFC, coca cola). Actual clicking of LIKE with proper working URL was not demonstrated, One just need to click an icon. People from SMO & SEO field can easily understand this technique. Why such huge amount is being taken by the customer to get enrolled? Why doesn’t low price plan seem to give you profit? The answer is here, To make the flow of money in an MLM network business like SOCIAL TRADE BIZ and to show huge returns it is necessary to obtain huge amount.

social trade

social trade

Recent buzz all about SOCIAL TRADE BIZ owned by Ablaze Info Solutions situated in Ghaziabad & Noida, a business where one gets registered to the company under a social media exchange program. Choose from packages ranging from Rs 5,750 to Rs 57,500. The company offers a login ID where the user completes the daily task by clicking LIKE under his panel. Here SOCIAL TRADE BIZ offers Rs 5 per click for a successful completion. As an incentive, there is promotional and referral income too. If you refer two people to pay the same amount of package which you are subscribed then you will be eligible for 1:1 BV (BV stands for business volume). It activates your booster income and makes you earn up to Rs 2 lac.


If you are able to find two stupid people like you then surely you can easily earn bucks. SOCIAL TRADE BIZ hidden all details regarding registration of social trade site domain, I understand they have parent company having other businesses. But nobody in social media market can give such amount for clicking LIKE. This can work only up till it reaches chain mechanism like in all other networks. Just give me 50Rs and I will return you 5 Rs from others keeping all rest with me. Fast money is what everyone looks for.

They are running complete fraud just by paying taxes and online transaction. Look below their both other businesses which are either under maintenance or down right now. They will fly away once they get good bucks. If you have hard earned money, never ever go with SOCIAL TRADE BIZ, or if you have black money, go ahead.


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There are few claims made by Social trade biz that looks to be either wrong or not in right way.

First of all, nobody will prove you that they are genuine. At Ablaze Info, few legal documents like PAN card, registration certificate, ISO certificate and service tax certificate issued by Excise & Customs. It is easy to convince someone who has no knowledge of company business, it may appear legitimate. A genuine company will never show off their documents to prove them legal and genuine.

People will surely impress by screenshots of other’s account statement and word of mouth. Non-techy guys are always influenced by Google results and web pages. Even Google shows ‘Modi as feku’ but people know how his impression. Manipulating online image is an easy trick known by most of the tech-savvy geeks.

Never ever get influenced by showoffs and huge easy returns if you have hard earned money.

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