Reliance Jio 4G recharge and new offers

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Reliance Jio 4G recharge and new offers

Myntra [CPS] IN

As old Jio recharge offers under “Dhan Dhana Dhan” are ending soon, Jio customers were waiting for new Reliance Jio 4G recharge offers. Jio now introduced new recharge packs at Rs 399 with a validity of 84 days instead of the earlier price of Rs 309. Jio offers unlimited internet usage as per fair usage policy. It also bundles free apps like Jio Tv for free TV streaming including HD channels, Jio music for unlimited music experience, Jio News and magazines for unlimited free magazines and news sources. Jio Movies for unlimited movies streaming and Jio money, its wallet system for transactions.

Also read: How to use 4G on your 2G/3G smartphone

Jio offers unlimited internet usage as per fair usage policy. It also bundles free apps like Jio Tv for free TV streaming including HD channels, Jio music for unlimited music experience, Jio News and magazines for unlimited free magazines and news sources. Jio Movies for unlimited movies streaming and Jio money, its wallet system for transactions.

Also read: Reliance Jio 4G feature phone, First look



New offers are as below:

1. Rs. 399 Reliance Jio 4G recharge includes benefits same as earlier unlimited data at 128 Kbps and high-speed 4G data of 84 GB with a validity of 84 days.

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2. Rs 509 Reliance Jio 4G recharge now comes with 56 days validity and offers 2GB 4G data

3. Rs 349 Reliance Jio 4G recharge under Rs 349 plan, offers 20 GB limit data for a period of over 56 days (almost 2 months). No data limit applies.

4. Rs 999 Reliance Jio 4G recharge will now provide 90 GB data as opposed to the previous cap of 60 GB for 90 days. Thus, this plan has now got 30 GB additional data.

5. Rs 1,999 Reliance Jio 4G recharge has been made valid for 120 days, and the data cap from the previous limit of 125 GB has been hiked to 155 GB.

6. Rs 4999  recharge now provide 380 GB data, a 30 GB increase from its previous limit of 350 GB  over a period of 180 days.

7. Rs 9999 recharge now will provide 780 GB data over a period of 1 year and 25 days.

ALSO READ: Reliance JioFi wifi exchange offers, free 4G data with 100 percent cash back


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